A longitudinal study on the impact of COVID-19 on mental health among low-income minority children
- Xiumei Hong
This project explores the potential impact of COVID-19 on child mental health short-term and long-term, leveraging a 23-year longitudinal cohort of children from predominantly urban, low-income, Black, and Hispanic families. […]
The impact of COVID-19 on mental health among US low-income underrepresented minority mothers
- Guoying Wang
This project addresses the growing concern on the short-term and long-term adverse impact of COVID-19 on maternal mental health. Using 4-year longitudinal data with objective measures, this study aims to […]
The urban poor penalty in Kinshasa during COVID-19: an exploration of trends in sexual and reproductive health outcomes in formal and informal settlements during the pandemic
- Caroline Moreau
This project explores the question: has COVID-19 exacerbated the sexual and reproductive health penalty for the urban poor in Kinshasa? It will take advantage of the Performance Monitoring for Action […]
Fertility Intentions during an Ongoing Pandemic
- Alison Gemmill
This project concerns the pandemic “baby bust” and a critical demographic question of how the pandemic will influence long-term fertility patterns. Will birth rates remain at low levels, will they […]
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on child development in the US
- Sara Johnson
This project examines the widespread effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on developmental milestones and variation in child development by family risks in a US national cohort. It has four specific […]
A Comparison Of Firearm-related Intimate Partner Homicide In Texas And Maryland
- NICHD 9/21/2020 - 8/31/2022
Creating Moves to Opportunity Using Mixed Methods to Understand Policy Mechanisms
- Stefanie DeLuca
- William T Grant Foundation 6/1/2019 - 5/31/2020
This study builds on the CMTO project, an effort to expand low-income families’ access to opportunity neighborhoods through providing supportive services in partnership with housing authorities in Seattle and King […]
Rational Responses to Uncertainty Understanding Disadvantaged Youths Post-Secondary Educational Choices
- Stefanie DeLuca
- Russell Sage Foundation 7/1/2019 - 6/30/2021
This mixed methods study examines how beliefs about educational attainment and anticipated adverse shocks (e.g., evictions, incarcerations or deaths of family members, or violence) relate to educational plans and actual […]
Housing and Healthy Child Development
- Sandra Newman
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation 9/1/2019 - 2/28/2022
This research will test whether assisted housing (i.e., public housing, housing vouchers, and privately-owned, publicly assisted housing) affects children’s healthy development by reducing family housing cost burden, and/or by improving […]
PMA2020 Reinvestment Ethiopia Prototype [Performance Monitoring Accountability]
- Linnea Zimmerman
- Gates Foundation 10/1/2018 - 9/30/2023
PMA-Ethiopia builds off of the PMA platform and the PMA-MNH project to establish a five-year grant following two cohorts of pregnant women for one year postpartum. Designed to assess care-seeking […]
Advancing National Tools and Resources for Technology Initiatives in Victim Services
- Nancy Glass
- US Department of Justice 10/1/2018 - 9/30/2020
Our goal is to advance national-scope initiatives that integrate technology to improve and increase access to crime victim services. Victim service practitioners are increasingly taking advantage of the ubiquity and […]
Strengthen the Evidence for Maternal and Child Health Programs
- Cynthia Minkowitz
- HRSA U02 2/1/2018 -1/31/2023
This project assists State Title V MCH programs in incorporating available scientific evidence in developing State Action Plans and responding to national and state performance measures.
Maryland Maternal Health Innovation Program
- Andreea Creanga
- HRSA U7 5/1/2019 - 9/30/2024
The overarching goal of the project is to improve maternal health quality and outcomes throughout Maryland.
National Maternal and Child Health Data Resource Initiative
- Christina Bethell
- HRSA U59 5/1/2018 - 4/30/2023
The goal of the Data Resource Center is to provide essential maternal and child health data at the national, regional, and state-level, to inform and enhance maternal and child health […]
Adapting and testing the myPlan app to prevent dating violence with adolescents
- Nancy Glass
- CDC R01 9/1/2018 - 8/30/2022
Evidence suggests that adolescents want and need timely, accessible, interactive, personal, and private health information, including information and resources on dating and casual/hook-up relationships. Adolescents seeking relationship information, advice and […]
Methods and Applications for Massive One-mode and Bipartite Social Networks
- Angelo Mele and Lingxin Hao
- NSF 7/1/2020 -6/30/2023
This research project will advance methods of estimation and inference for large-scale network models. The modeling of network data has important applications in many areas, including sociology, economics, marketing, and […]
Developing a PrEP Adherence Intervention Targeting At-Risk and Substance Using Women
- Susan Sherman
- NIDA R34 9/1/2017 - 8/30/2021
We aim to develop and assess the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy on adherence of a community-informed tenofovir/emticitrabine (TDF/FTC) pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) engagement intervention among street-based female sex workers (FSWs) […]
Causal mediation methods for studying mechanisms in mental health
- Elizabeth Stuart
- NIMH R01 9/1/2017 - 6/30/2021
In mental health research, it is important to understand the mechanisms underlying the effects of interventions, for example whether cognitive/behavioral factors mediate the effect of a treatment for youth with […]
A structural HIV prevention intervention targeting high-risk women
- Susan Sherman
- NIDA R01 4/1/2016 -3/31/2021
Three decades into the HIV epidemic, high HIV/STI rates persist among FSWs throughout the world, and research on this population in the U.S. is scarce. FSWs experience a unique set […]
Robust Methods for Polygenic Analysis
- Nilanjan Chatterjee
- NHGRI R01 4/1/2019 - 3/31/2024
Modern genome-wide association studies have unequivocally demonstrated that complex traits are extremely polygenic, with each individual trait potentially involving thousands to tens of thousands of genetic variants. In this project, […]
RCT to reduce HIV acquisition and viral load among migrants Rakai Uganda
- Maria Wawer
- NIMH R01 7/1/2018 - 6/30/2023
The Rakai Health Sciences Program (RHSP), Uganda, proposes an implementation science community- randomized controlled trial (CRCT) of a novel intervention to newly in-migrated individuals (“Welcome In- coming Neighbor” [WIN]), to […]
Statistical Methods for Multilevel Multivariate Functional Studies
- Ciprian Crainiceanu
- NINDS R01 7/1/2017 6/30/2022
While imaging studies are widely used in clinical practice and research, the number of neuroimaging- based biomarkers is small. For example, in clinical trials of immunomodulatory therapies for MS, the […]
Maternal Stress and Preterm Birth Role of Genome and Epigenome
- Xiumei Hong
- NICHD R03 7/1/2018 - 6/30/2020
Preterm birth (PTB) is a leading cause of infant mortality and morbidity in the US and the globe, and can lead to a cascade of health problems later in life. […]
Intergenerational Link of Cardio-Metabolic Risk Integrate Multi-OMICS with Birth Cohort
- Xiaobin Wang
- NICHD R01 4/15/2019 - 3/31/2023
More than half of U.S. mothers entered pregnancy with overweight or obesity (OWO); maternal obesity is considered a major determinant of the next generations’ OWO risk.7 A similar inter-generational link […]
Prescription Drug Monitoring Program and pregnancy associated mortality in Maryland
- Andreea Creanga
- NICHD R03 4/1/2019 - 3/31/2021
Maternal mortality has been increasing in the United States. The extent to which non-medical use of prescription drugs by pregnant and postpartum women has contributed to this trend is unknown […]
Use of a machine learning framework to predict severe maternal morbidity
- Andreea Creanga
- NICHD R03 4/1/2018 - 3/31/2020
Severe maternal morbidity (SMM) is on the rise in the United States. Such morbidity is accompanied by delivery complications and adverse pregnancy outcomes, and can have long- term health consequences […]
Feasibility acceptability and preliminary efficacy of Text4Father for improving infant and family health
- Arik Marcell
- NICHD R21 7/1/2019 - 6/30/2021
While father engagement programming is widely advocated, few clinical and public health approaches engage fathers during the pre- and perinatal periods. A large body of literature shows that fathers play […]
Preterm Birth Maternal and and Child Metabolic Risk
- Xiaobin Wang
- NICHD R01 4/1/2016 - 3/31/2021
Using a life-course framework, we propose to conduct a comprehensive and systemic investigation on preterm birth (PTB) and maternal and fetal metabolic characteristics in relation to child development of adverse […]
Intergenerational transmission of parenting and self-regulation
- Sara Johnson
- NICHD R01 4/1/2018 -3/31/2023
The proposed three-generation study seeks to determine whether self-regulation in childhood is a foundation for parenting in adulthood and whether a successful universal preventive intervention to improve self-regulation in childhood […]
Virtual Population Obesity Prevention
- Tak Igusa (sub-award PI)
- NICHD-PDB U01 9/1/2015 - 8/31/2022
The obesity epidemic is a continuing and growing major global multi-scale problem. Designing appropriate policies and interventions has been challenging since obesity is a complex problem, crossing the following six […]
Structural and Social Transitions among Adolescents in Rakai (SSTAR)
- Maria Wawer (sub-award PI)
Project Abstract: Adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa make the transition to adulthood facing considerable risk of HIV infection; this risk is particularly high for young women. Understanding social processes that produce […]
Global Age Patterns of Under-Five Mortality
- Li Liu (sub-award PI)
- NICHD-PDB R01 9/1/2017 - 6/30/2022
Project Summary The Under-5 Mortality Rate (U5MR) is a key and widely-used indicator of child health, but it conceals important information about how this mortality is distributed by age. For […]
Housing affordability and child health
- Craig Pallock
- NICHD-PDB R03 4/1/2019 - 3/31/2021
Project Summary Although safe and affordable housing is a critical foundation for child health, such housing is in short supply. To address the lack of affordable housing, policymakers developed the […]
Developing innovative analytics to estimate age and cause specific child mortality for low and middle income countries
- Li Liu
- NICHD-PDB R21 4/1/2018 - 3/31/2020
Project Summary: Globally, an estimated 5.9 million children died before reaching their fifth birthday in 2015. The majority died in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), where quality information on age- […]
The Impact of Ebola Infection on Demographic and Social Outcomes in Sierra Leone
- Philip Anglewicz
- NICHD-PDB R21 5/1/2019 - 4/30/2021
Project Summary: The limited body of research on Ebola suggests that, among survivors and their families, there are substantial impacts of infection on social and demographic outcomes, yet little is […]
Early childhood programs on reducing suicide risk in adulthood
- Emily Haroz
- HPC Pilot Research Program and Institute for Data-Intensive Engineering and Science 2/22/2018 - 2/21/2019
Recent increases in suicide rates are significantly impacting life expectancy in the Unites States. While the public health sector has responded by expanding programs for suicide-prone individuals, there is also […]
Self-collection of Samples for STI Testing in Rakai, Uganda
- Caitlin Kennedy
- HPC Pilot Research Program and Alliance for a Healthier World 08/14/2019 - 08/13/2020
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are of global concern with rates hypothesized to be rising in settings where HIV is coming under control. Syndromic management of STIs is a common approach […]
Multi-Omics and Preterm Birth Risk
- Xiumei Hong
- HPC Pilot Research Program and 21st Century Cities 04/26/2019-04/25/2020
Preterm birth (PTB) is among the most profound clinical and public health challenges we face today. Prenatal nutrition is believed to play a role in affecting PTB risk, but related […]
How to Fight Against Racism During COVID-19
- Yujung Hwang
- HPC Pilot Project Program 5/19/2020 - 12/31/2020
Project’s GoalWe propose to collect novel psychological measures for anti-Asian sentiment and social-image concern behind racist behavior from survey. Next, we will analyze a quantitative structural model of racism to […]
Unmet Need in the U.S. COVID-19
- Alexandre White
- HPC Pilot Research Program 04/14/2020 - 12/31/2020
Specific AimsThe unmet need between infected people with severe symptoms and hospital beds is a top concern of pandemics. Most projections of unmet need with respect to COVID-19 thus far […]
COVID-19 case fatality rates: curation, variation, and homogeneity
- Li Liu
- HPC Pilot Research Program 04/14/2020 - 12/31/2020
Specific aimsAim 1: Curate a unique open access COVID-19 CFR database leveraging HPC data hub, natural language processing (NLP) and CORD-19. Relevant data, e.g. CFR, COVID-19 cases and deaths, age, […]
Monitoring Local Responses to COVID-19 Pandemic Using Real-time Big Data
- Qingfeng Li
- HPC Pilot Research Program 04/14/2020 - 12/31/2020
Specific AimsEvidence on the effectiveness of different containment measures is urgently needed to informsubsequent policy responses. The heterogeneous pandemic situations and differentiated policyresponses across the country presents an opportunity for […]
COVID-19 in US Counties: Can Public Health Bend the Curve
- David Bishai
- HPC Pilot Research Program 04/14/2020 - 12/31/2020
Specific Aims:
A Structural HIV Prevention Intervention Targeting High-Risk Women
- Susan Gail Sherman
- NICHD R01 07/01/16-05/31/21
Three decades into the HIV epidemic, high HIV/STI rates persist among FSWs throughout the world, and research on this population in the U.S. is scarce. FSWs experience a unique set […]
Early Life Determinants of Obesity in U.S. Urban Low Income Minority Birth Cohort
- Xiaobin Wang
- NICHD R01 1/1/16-12/31/20
Obesity in a young child can not only result in short-term social, psychological, and health effects but also increases the probability to obesity later n life with many possible accompanying […]
How Housing Vouchers Affect Biology and Health
- Sandra Newman
- NICHD U015/18/16-4/30/20
This proposal has two aims. The first is to conduct an experiment varying the offer of a housing voucher within the national Section 8 Housing Program and to test how […]
B’SAFE – Black MSM Study for Syphilis Assessment Focused on Elimination
- Jacky Jennings
- CDC U01 5/1/17-4/30/20
Syphilis is increasing in the United States (U.S.) and Baltimore has one of the most severe epidemics among Black gay, bisexual and men who have sex with men (MSM). The […]
Housing Effects on Children’s Development
- Sandra Newman
- NICHD R01 09/17/13-05/31/19
The primary goal of this research is to assess the effects of housing on low- and moderate-income families with children using a population-based, econometrically-oriented approach. Our specific aims are to […]
Reducing Disparities in Health and Safety for Young Sexual Minority Women in Abusive Relationships
- Nancy Glass
- NICHD R01 05/01/2014 - 08/31/2018
Intimate partner violence (IPV), including violence in dating relationships (dating violence, DV) is a widespread and serious public health problem. Among U.S. female IPV survivors, 47.1% report their first abusive […]
Prenatal Mulit-Level Stressors and Alternations in Fetal and Maternal Epigenomes
- Pamela Surkan & Xiaobin Wang
- NICHD R21 1/1/16-6/30/18
Growing evidence indicates that maternal psychosocial stressors during pregnancy, e.g. depression, anxiety, and stressful life events are related to poor birth outcomes. However, the epigenetic mechanisms underlying associations between maternal […]
Performance Monitoring and Accountability 2020 (PMA2020)
- Amy Tsui
- Gates Foundation 04/12/13-03/31/18
Dr. Tsui is the senior technical adviser to the PMA2020 project. “Performance Monitoring and Accountability 2020 (PMA2020) uses innovative mobile technology to routinely gather data on family planning and water sanitation. Data […]
Pregnancy Outcomes and Infant Survival in the Era of Universal HAART in Africa
- Taha Taha
- NICHD R21 9/30/15-8/31/17
Globally, there is a renewed commitment to eliminate mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV. In Malawi, universal, lifelong combination antiretroviral treatment (ART) is recommended for all HIV-infected women who are pregnant, […]
Moving to Opportunity: Platform to Improve Health
- Craig Pollack
- HUD 07/01/14-06/30/17
The goal of this project is to test the feasibility of linking Moving To Opportunity (MTO) with insurance claims data. MTO is a social experiment in which families living in […]
Youth and Adult Microfinance to Improve Resilience Outcomes in DRC
- Nancy Glass
- NICHD R01 08/16/12-05/31/17
Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the setting for our study, has primarily been characterized by a loss of security, unpredictability and lack of structure in daily life. Essential services […]
Medicaid and the Evolution of the US Transfer System After the Great Recession
- Robert Moffitt
- 01/01/16-05/31/17
In a project funded by the Russell Sage Foundation, he will extend his June 2015 Demography PAA Presidential Address charting trends from 1984 to 2011 in social transfers to the […]
Using Propensity Scores for Casual Inference with Covariate Measurement Error
- Elizabeth Stuart
- NIMH R01 07/01/13-03/31/17
Many studies in public health, including comparative effectiveness research, aim to answer questions such as “what works for whom?” or “under what conditions does it work?” Such questions can often […]
Switching Schools and Navigating Neighborhoods: Can Housing Vouchers Improve Educational Achievement for Low Income Minority Youth?
- Stefanie DeLuca
- Spencer Foundation 02/01/15-01/31/17
This study capitalizes on the Baltimore Mobility Program, an innovative housing voucher intervention, to explore whether improvements in neighborhood access translate into gains in educational opportunity and achievement for poor […]
Rural Migrant Children in Urban Schools
- Lingxin Hao
- NSF 01/01/13-03/31/16
The study examines the process by which rural-to-urban migration generates and sustains new forms of education segregation in urban areas. The project highlights whether and how urban schools exacerbate educational […]
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