
  • The Scientific Core Director: Dr. Lingxin Hao, Director of the HPC, Professor of Sociology
  • The Methods Service Lead: Dr. Ciprian Crainiceanu, Professor of Biostatistics

Methods specialty areas

Advanced Data Analytics

  • Sensor Data (Ciprian Crainiceanu)
  • Biomarker Data (Xiaobin Wang)
  • Population-scale networks (Angelo Mele, Lingxin Hao)

Advanced Demographic Measurement and Modeling

  • Demographic measurement (Philip Anglewicz)
  • Bayesian models (Li Liu)
  • Causal inferences (Elizabeth Stuart)

Data Collection Methods in the 21st Century

  • Digital survey methods (Steve Morgan)
  • Long-term panel surveys (Philip Anglewicz)
  • Assessing and achieving population representativeness (Nilanjan Chatterjee, Robert Moffitt)
  • Innovative combination of qualitative data and econometrics (Stefanie DeLuca, Nicholas Papageorge)

Methods Service

Email Lingxin Hao ([email protected]) and Ciprian Crainiceanu ([email protected]) for inquiries regarding Methods Service

  • Four Method Improvement Funds (each with an amount up to $3,000) for the compensation of consultancy and programming services
  • Informal educational programs (short courses, boot camps, practicums) tailored to specific needs
methods service mechanism

Data Services Areas:

  1. Accessing and utilizing HPC Data Hub
  2. Identifying data sources for specific research interests
  3. Introducing to data analysis in specialized areas covered in the HPC Informal Education Programs as well as network analysis and sequence analysis
  4. Connecting associates to experts of advanced analysis and innovative methods

Data Service Weekly Consultation Hours:

Wed 3:00-5:00pm (Xingyun Wu, Ph.D. Student in Sociology, MA in Computational Social Sciences)

Thu 3:00-5:00pm (Wenxuan Huang, Ph.D. in Sociology)

In-person (HPC offices at 3505 N Charles St.) or Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/6019060976

  • HPC Data Hub on COVID-19 (see the Data Hub page of the HPC website)
  • Assistance to the use of survey and biomarker data collected by HPC Associates, listed below.

Table 1. Summary of Data Collections by HPC Associates: Data Use Access and Consultation for HPC Associates

PI/Co-PI     [PRA]Dataset Name (n)PopulationYears of Data CollectionMajor FeaturesConfidentiality



X. Wang


Boston Birth Cohort

(BBC) (n=8,500 maternal-child dyads)

Boston low-income, majority African American and Hispanic birth cohort in 1999

Annual 1999-present (ongoing)

Maternal-child dyad genetic, epigenetic, and metabolic biomarkers


S. Morgan


General Social Survey (GSS) (n=5,000 individuals)

U.S. general population

Continuing annual x-sectional survey with partial longitudinal scheme

Social network data permitting the construction of the entire network



Emily Agree


National Health and Aging Trends Study (NHATS) (n=8,500)

Americans age 65 and older

Annual follow-up 2011-present (ongoing)

Physical performance testing; biomarkers




A. Tsui, P. Anglewicz and L. Zimmerman



Women of ages 15-49 in 10 MLICs from 2000

Annual follow-up  

Mobile phone surveys and tracking


P. Anglewicz


Malawi Longitudinal Survey (MLS)



Mobile phone survey, following migrants



L. Hao


China Labor-force Dynamic Survey (CLDS) (n=23,594)

China labor force ages 15-64 in 2012

Biannual follow-up (ongoing)

Randomize experiments, EHC, biomarkers


L. Hao


China Education Panel Survey (CEPS) (n=19,487)

China 7th and 9th graders in 2013-14 academic year

Annual 2013-2017

IRT-based cognitive ability evaluation independent of academic tests; longitudinal peer influence network over 3 years

Public-use of first wave, confidential use of later waves

Computing Service

Email Lingxin Hao ([email protected]) and Ricardo Sanchez ([email protected]) for inquiries regarding Computing Service.

  • A server, Tsingtao, provides high memory, large storage space, Stata/MP, and MPlus for HPC Associates who needs computing capacity greater than their own desktop or laptop. Tsingtao also facilitates group projects.
  • A “Cold Room” for confidential data use in stand-alone workstations. The cold room is located in the HPC offices site at 3505 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218. Currently the Cold Room workstations has installed use Add Health Confidential Data on an HPC data use agreement and all National Center for Educational Statistics Confidential Datasets under an HPC data use agreement.

* Please acknowledge the Scientific Core services you received in your publications, conference papers, working papers, and presentations using the suggested language: “This research was supported by the Hopkins Population Center Grant (P2CHD042854) from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.”