Hopkins Population Center Summer Student Fellowship Program for PAA Paper Proposals


The Hopkins Population Center (HPC) Summer Student Fellowship Program for Population Association of America (PAA) Paper Proposals supports the effort of PhD students’ research on one or more of the Hopkins Population Center’s primary research areas for the US population (described below). The Summer Student Fellowship Program aims to open the opportunity for PhD students under the supervision of an HPC Associate. The program will increase visibility and extend the external research network for our students in the scientific workforce pipeline.

With the fellowship, student recipients can benefit from summer research time to complete work on a paper to submit to the PAA Annual Conference for the September 2023 deadline. If the submission is accepted for the PAA Conference – either as a session presentation or as a poster – the awardee will be eligible for a HPC travel allowance to attend PAA in Spring 2024, to be held in Columbus, Ohio. More broadly, the fellowship will help develop the student dissertation research at the beginning of the population health science pipeline.

Deadline: May 3, 2024

Award announcement: May 31,2024

Project Period: Summer months of 2024 and presentation at PAA in Spring 2025

Fellowship Amount

We expect to fund two fellowships for the 2024 cycle. Each summer fellow will receive $5,000 (taxable) for the summer months in 2024. Coverage of the PAA presentation expenses is covered through the HPC Student Affiliate Program

Research Priorities

The proposed research must align with one or more of the Population Center’s primary research areas: poverty and inequality; sexual and reproductive health; and family, maternal and child health. Population Research at the HPC uses social science approaches to population-based studies, often with large samples, observed one or more times. These are not typically intervention or clinical studies. See last year’s PAA program for examples of papers that are typically presented (https://events.rdmobile.com/Events/Details/16223). . If you have questions about the appropriateness of your research topic, please contact Alison Gemmill ([email protected]).

HPC Doctoral Student Affiliates can receive one HPC Summer Fellowship during their PhD program. Students from diverse backgrounds are particularly encouraged to apply.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Must be a current HPC Doctoral Student Affiliate.
  • The applicant must work under the supervision of an HPC Associate.
  • Having completed at least one year of study in a PhD program at JHU when they can demonstrate readiness for executing an independent research paper for external presentation, as endorsed by the HPC associate who will supervise your work
  • Students are not eligible if they are expected to graduate by June 2024.
  • Must be in good standing by the department standard

Proposal Guidelines

The fellowship proposal should be no more than two (2) single-spaced text pages, 11-point Arial font, half-inch margin. It includes the following sections:

  1. Cover Sheet
  2. Draft title of planned PAA Paper
  3. Research question and objectives of the paper
  4. Description of data source and analytical approach
  5. Preliminary analysis (if any)
  6. References (not included in two-page limit)

Review and Decision

Applications will be reviewed by a panel of selected HPC associates to select two fellowship recipients. This will be completed within one month and the awards will be announced at the end of May.

Interim and Final  Reports

The student recipients should file a final report of one paragraph by email message to Dr. Alison Gemmill about the plan to submit a paper to the 2025 Annual PAA meeting in Washington, DC.

Visit the application form at the following website, where you will be asked to upload your application materials as a single PDF document: https://forms.office.com/r/MgRQCqyrWD

Students must submit their application by Friday, May 3, 2024. A copy of the application will be automatically forwarded to the student’s HPC Faculty Associate sponsor.

Further Information

If you have questions, please contact Dr. Alison Gemmill ([email protected]).