The Hopkins Population Center provides assistance to Faculty Associates who need secure reliable hosting services for data that comes with access restrictions. Inside this brochure is a description of these services.


Any HPC Faculty Associate and their project team may request restricted-use data acquisition and hosting.
Students needing data for personal research (dissertation, theses etc.) are not eligible.

Initial Data Hosting Consultation

  • The HPC Computing Core staff will work with the PI and project team to determine the appropriate computing environment for the project.
  • HPC will need a copy of the IRB approval for this project, listing all approved users; whether the data is internal (associate-collected) or from an external data provider; approximate size of the data and any specialized hardware or software needed for the project beyond what HPC already provides.

Project Data Hosting-JHU Generated/Collected Data

  • HPC Computing Core staff will work with PI or designated project staff to develop a customized hosting solution for the data.  This includes determining access permissions, project roles, folder structures, as well as a back-up routine.
  • HPC Computing Core staff will store any hard copy restricted-data media in the HPC Data Safe.
  • HPC Computing Core Staff can provide advice on and short-term assistance with data deposit into a known repository.

Data Request

  • HPC Computing Core staff will pull together all contractual requirements and act as liaison to the data provider.
  • HPC Computing Core staff will develop a data security or data management plan.
  • The PI or designated staff will provide any project-related content needed for the request.
  • The PI and designated staff will provide signatures on any necessary paperwork.
  • HPC Computing Core staff will process paperwork through proper Bloomberg School of Public Health (BSPH) channels.
  • HPC Computing Core staff will send the full request package to the data provider.

Data Receipt

  • PI will provide any written communication received from the provider to the HPC Computing Core for the HPC electronic license file, and to be filed with BSPH Office of Research Administration.
  • If not sent directly to the HPC Computing Core, the PI or designated project staff will provide original data media to the HPC Computing Core for loading and storage in the HPC Data Safe. If data are encrypted, PI may need to provide decryption password.
  • HPC Computing Core staff will grant access to the HPC cold room or networked data room as needed for approved project staff.

Ongoing Maintenance 

  • No changes in staffing, space or other aspects of data use and storage may be made without approval from the data provider. HPC Computing Core staff will communicate any changes to the data provider.
  • HPC Computing Core staff will maintain the electronic license file for the project to monitor staffing changes, expiration dates, file list, and any other relevant information pertaining to the project during its lifecycle.
  • PI will provide any communication directly received from the data provider to the HPC Computing Core for inclusion in the electronic license file.
  • HPC Computing Core staff will add/remove access from computing and physical spaces as needed by the PI.
  • HPC staff will communicate with and coordinate scheduling with the appropriate IT support staff.

Project Close-Out

HPC Computing Core staff will ensure that all project close-out protocol is followed.  This includes removal of all project staff from computing and physical spaces, return or destruction of original data media, secure erasure of computing environment, and completion of any “certificates of disposal.”

Terms of Service

Due to high demand, the Computing Core staff requires advance notice of requests for service.  Availability and hours are always posted on our website.  Please note that we do not have the resources to provide full statistical programming support or in-depth instruction on analysis methods or program development. Nor can we provide customized dataset creation and/or extraction.