A range of people are suffering from loneliness, anxiety and depression because of the coronavirus pandemic, but more so people with financial hardship, minorities and young adults, according to Johns […]
News Archive
Is a Post-Coronavirus Reverse Baby Boom Coming?
Coronavirus and the attendant uncertainty has made family planning more fraught than ever.Alison Gemmill is quoted.
How to Cope When COVID Steals Loving Touch, Hugs
Understanding the reason why we can’t hug and touch those we love during the pandemic is one thing. Dealing with the effects of that are still proving very difficult for […]
How 132 Epidemiologists Are Deciding When to Send Their Children to School
We asked more than 500 epidemiologists and infectious disease specialists when they expect to restart 20 activities of daily life, assuming that the coronavirus pandemic and the public health response […]
What is safe to do during the pandemic?
A recent survey provides a snapshot of where Americans see the most danger — and where they’re most out of sync with experts. Faculty Associate Elizabeth Stuart is quoted. 14 other JHSPH experts […]
Hospitals fear being shortchanged in coronavirus funding
The Trump administration has been moving quickly to distribute CARES Act funding to hospitals and doctors, but providers on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic are worried they will […]
The Coronavirus Class Divide: Space and Privacy
“Shelter in place” is a dictate that assumes the existence of shelter — the safe, stable, controlled environment that poor people often lack. “The pandemic is a reminder that privacy […]
Show compassion for sex workers and drug users during COVID-19 pandemic | Commentary
Instead of intensifying the isolation of marginalized people in ways that will only further endanger their health, we can tap into the sense of communal responsibility generated by the pandemic […]
Don’t Expect a Quarantine Baby Boom
Not only do disasters have little effect, if any, on birthrates, the coronavirus pandemic will probably discourage couples from having children, experts say Faculty Associate Alison Gemmill is featured.
Pay cuts, furloughs, and layoffs for doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers are mounting as the coronavirus pandemic hits hospitals
Hospitals are seeing massive revenue losses during the coronavirus pandemic, and their workers are taking a direct financial hit. Faculty Associate Gerard Anderson is quoted.