The HPC Data Hub is pleased to announce Release 3 (see a brief description below, a complete description at , and the data files at ). This county-level data spans from prepandemic time to pandemic course with many time series. Do not hesitate to email [email protected] for help with the use of the data. The HPC Data Hub is open to research communities beyond HPC, please spread it widely.
HPC Data Hub Phase 3 Release of COVID-19 and Sociodemographic Data (11/2/2020) (COVID-19 confirmed cases and deaths are updated weekly up to 11/9 as of today). The Phase-3 release data replace the Phase-2 data with important additions (e.g., updated state policies and human mobility; new county-level standard water accessibility). The data files and the corresponding dictionary files are coupled in 3 zipped files at our GitHub repository. Click github’s “code” tab and choose “download zip” which includes 3 zip files:,, and