Performance Monitoring and Accountability 2020 (PMA2020)
- Amy Tsui
- Gates Foundation 04/12/13-03/31/18

Dr. Tsui is the senior technical adviser to the PMA2020 project. “Performance Monitoring and Accountability 2020 (PMA2020) uses innovative mobile technology to routinely gather data on family planning and water sanitation. Data are collected at both household and facility levels via mobile phones through a network of female Resident Enumerators stationed throughout the country. Resident Enumerators, or REs, transfer data by phone to a central server via the mobile data network. In real-time, data are validated, aggregated and prepared into tables and graphs, making results more quickly available to stakeholders as compared to a paper-and-pencil survey. PMA2020 can be integrated into national monitoring and evaluation systems by offering a low-cost, rapid-turnaround survey platform that can be used for various other health data needs.”
Photo: “DSC_0904” by US Department of Agriculture is licensed under CC BY 2.0