Neighborhood Racial Change in America during the Late 20th and Early 21st Centuries

Michael Bader, Associate Professor of Sociology, Director of 21CC (co-sponsored with 21CC) Abstract: In the face of changes to the American population since the Civil Rights Movement, we will tend to explain patterns of racial change based on theories developed in the early and middle of the 20th century. According to these theories White flight, […]

Designing Diversity for Sustained Societal Innovation

SNF Agora Institute, Sociology, and Hopkins Population Center Co-Sponsored Seminar Dr. James EvansMax Palevksy Professor of Sociology, Director of Knowledge Lab, and Founding Faculty Director ofComputational Social Science at the University of Chicago and the Santa Fe Institute Abstract The wisdom of crowds hinges on the independence and diversity of their members’ information andapproach. Here […]

A Conservative Extrapolation Approach to Trustworthy AI

Dr. Anqi Liu, Assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at the Whiting School of Engineering of the Johns Hopkins University Abstract The unprecedented prediction accuracy of modern machine learning beckons for its application in a wide range of real-world applications, including many socially-critical ones like healthcare, education, and hiring.  A key challenge in […]

HPC short course: Social Sequence Analysis and Application in Life Course Research

Instructor: Wenxuan Huang, PhD Sequence analysis has been widely applied in life course research to understand the temporal pattern of life events (e.g., employment, marriage, and fertility) by scrutinizing timing, duration, and order. As a holistic approach, sequence analysis “brings course back to the life course research.” This short course will provide an introduction of […]

Jeffrey A. Grigg Memorial Lecture: “Overcoming the Odds: The Benefits of Completing College for Unlikely Graduates”

Jennie E. Brand, Ph.D. Each year, millions of high school students consider whether to continue their schooling and attend and complete college. Despite strong evidence that a college degree yields far-reaching benefits, some critics of higher education increasingly argue that college “does not pay off” and that some students - namely, disadvantaged prospective college […]