Why a new report on child mortality is historic, encouraging – and grim

Li Liu is quoted

Amid the battle over abortion rights, a failure to agree on how to define abortion

Suzanne Bell is quoted

Why Gavin Newsom’s claim about 65,000 births from rape is not as conclusive as he made it sound

Alison Gemmill is quoted

Craig Pollack on Low Income Housing Tax Credits

Craig Pollack is Interviewed

Biden Campaign Sharpens Its Post-Roe Message: Abortion Is About Freedom

Caroline Moreau is quoted

The Link Between Birth Control Pills and Sex Drive

Caroline Moreau is quoted

Rep. Maxine Waters and Policy Advocates Attend the World AIDS Day Conference

Roland Thorpe is featured at CSPAN

CDC report finds non White moms with twins, triplets most at risk of intensive care childbirths

Alison Gemmill is quoted at the Washington Times

Adults with Cognitive Disabilities Have Worse Health Care Experiences

Elizabeth Stuart is Mentioned at Patch

You can’t even pay people to have more kids

Alison Gemmill is quoted at Vox