Discovery Awards
Faculty Associates Michele Decker and Nancy Glass, along with other Johns Hopkins faculty receive a 2019 JHU Discovery Award for their proposal entitled “Collaborative for Gender Equity and Empowerment in Education and Labor Systems.” This interdisciplinary project utilizes expertise in Public Health, Nursing, and Business.
Faculty Associate Roland Thorpe Jr. and other JHU faculty receive a 2019 JHU Discovery Award for their proposal entitled “Billie Holiday Project: Bridging Art, Local History and Community Wellness. This project utilizes expertise in Public Health and Arts & Sciences.
Faculty Associate Pamela Surkan and other JHU faculty receive a 2019 JHU Discovery Award for their proposal “Improving Care and Management of Pediatric Asthma Through a Gamified Collaborative Platform.” This project utilizes expertise in Public Health, Education, and Medicine.
Faculty Associate Takeru Igusa and other JHU faculty receive a 2019 JHU Discovery Award for their proposal “Johns Hopkins University Living Laboratory for Urban Mobility.” This project utilizes expertise in Engineering, Public Health, and Physics.
Catalyst Award
Faculty Associate Caitlin Kennedy receives a 2019 Catalyst Award. The Discovery Award comes along with $75,000, institutional recognition and mentoring opportunities for early career faculty.